Ask election hopefuls what are their party’s green policies
Midlands green energy expert Ron Fox is supporting an open letter by a group of leading UK scientists calling on all political parties to commit to an “ambitious” programme of climate policies.
It has been signed by 408 members of the UK’s climate science community who say any political parties not making this pledge do not deserve the support of the UK voting public.
“I agree with them,” said Ron, of Noreus Ltd, “but I would go further and challenge every election candidate who knocks at your door to ask what they are going to do about the climate crisis to help home owners.”
Notable names who have signed the letter include Professor Sir Brian Hoskins, Professor Joanna Haigh the former president of the Royal Meteorological Society and Professor Sir David King who was the government’s Chief Scientific Adviser between 2000 and 2007 and who raised the issue with ministers leading to the Climate Change Act of 2008.
This follows an appeal from environmental groups to the UK’s TV networks to ensure that climate problems are included in their televised election debates
The scientists want all parties to promise five measures:
- A credible strategy to reach net zero by 2050.
- Faster action to adapt the UK to now unavoidable climate impact.
- Leading by example internationally on “transitioning away from fossil fuels”.
- Increasing climate funding for developing countries.
- And respecting Climate Change Committee advice on North Sea oil and gas fields.
Ron pointed out that the UK was the first economy to set a net zero emissions target. But the government’s independent advisors said last year the country had lost its leadership on the issue following the changes to a number of policies, including delaying the ban to end petrol and diesel vehicle sales.
The scientists’ letter said UK residents were already feeling the effects of a warming planet with the summer heatwave of 2022 and the devastation to agricultural yields because of 40C temperatures.
They conclude that if the next Prime Minister does not make climate change a priority, they “will place the prosperity and well-being of the British people at severe risk.”
Bob Ward, the policy and communications director at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics, said the letter underscored the dismay that many scientists feel about a lack of political debate and action.
Unless global emissions are halved within the next five years’, Ward warned there will be no chance of limiting warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels by the end of this century and there will be very serious world consequences around the world.
“As well as asking election hopefuls about what can be done as a government on climate change, I want people to ask them how politicians are going to help individuals make a difference,” said Ron, of Noreus Ltd on the University of Keele Science and Innovation Park. “These conversations should include incentives for residents to insulate their homes better, to switch to green energy and to move to electric cars.”
For more information about what you can do about global warming, call Ron on 0845 474 6641 or go to