Battery storage for solar PV – store solar energy you create in the day for later use – and watch the pennies roll in too

Have you decided to invest in solar PV panels to provide electricity? If so, you’ve made a brilliant decision. Now it’s time to think about battery storage for solar PV panels and smart energy meters – the perfect complement to existing systems and new installations alike.
How you can make more from your solar PV
Our beautifully efficient solar PV systems let you take control of rising energy prices and significantly reduce your household’s carbon footprint.
If that wasn’t enough, now homeowners can ensure their solar systems work at maximum levels of efficiency through battery storage for solar PV panels and smart meters to monitor consumption.
Cost-effective deep cell batteries now allow you to collect solar energy during the day and use it throughout the night. Unused electricity can be reserved to power lighting or appliances even after you’ve gone to bed.
What’s more, you can now keep an eye on how much electricity you are using and when thanks to super-smart monitoring technology.
Real-time readings show you how much power you are producing and allows you to see when your solar PV panels are working at maximum efficiency. That way, you can easily see when it is best to use appliances during the day.
Connect the monitor to your smartphone and you’ll have access to updates on the move too.
Take control and save even more money on energy bills. Make the most of a brilliant investment in your home.
Click here to Request a call back to discuss making your solar panels work more effectively for you and your home.
The benefits…
- Ensures you make the most out of your solar PV system
- Store unused electricity for later use
- Save even more money on energy bills
- Take control of how much electricity you use and when by monitoring consumption
- Future-proof yourself against the possibility of electricity being more expensive to use at certain times in the day
- User-friendly controls that put you in charge
- Long lifespan
Want to find out more about battery storage for solar PV?
What our customers say
Solar battery storage FAQs
Yes. In fact it is the perfect addition to your Solar PV system as it will mean you can save even more money. It should also be considered for all new installations.
The easy-to-use controls allow you to choose whether you would like to store solar energy or export it.
If you have a solar battery installed, you still receive the same level of FiT per KWH. Although the FiT total amount will go down, it’s only because you will be using more of the electricity you produce – so what you don’t get paid as part of the incentive scheme, you’ll be making back anyway.
Laptop 0.05kWh/hr
Lights per room 0.1 kWh/hr
Flat Screen Tv 0.1 kWh/hr
Refrigerator 1.6 kWh/day
Clothes Dryer 3.3 Kwh each time it is used
Washing Machine 2.3 kWh each time it is used
Night Power The battery stores electricity generated by solar panels during the day
Zero Import Power. The battery system stores as much electricity as is required in 24 hours but still keeps Grid connection for backup.
Emergency Backup Power the battery system works as a back up to the mains supplied electricity