All things energy

My three more New Year green resolutions – Part Two

With many people making New Year’s resolutions this month environment expert Ron Fox, of Noreus Ltd, gives three more of his green suggestions to help the UK reduce our carbon footprint. Reward green householders: My third resolution is that householders who pay to make their newly-bought [...]

My New Year green resolutions for 2025 – Part One

Tis the season for making New Year’s resolutions so environment expert Ron Fox, of Noreus Ltd, gives the first two of his green suggestions to help the UK reduce our carbon footprint. Over the following three weeks he will provide five more ideas. Make power cheaper: My first resolution to help [...]

My four strange but true green stories for New Year

With the New Year a few days away now is a good time to look back at four of this winter’s amazing but true green stories. Ron Fox, of Noreus Ltd on the University of Keele Science Innovation Park, (, picks his favourite recent environmental tales.  More than 50 per cent of all [...]

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