Householders must do more to cut their carbon footprint

 In Energy Bills, Energy Saving, Home Insulation

Householders must do more to cut their global footprint after last week’s figures showed that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are the highest for 800,000 years, warns a Midlands green energy expert.

Ron Fox, of Noreus Ltd, said statistics from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) showing the concentration of greenhouse gases at 45 per cent higher than pre-industrial levels should set the alarm bells ringing.

This was despite reports earlier this year from scientists who said that computer models showed the planet had warmed more slowly than previously predicted and that Britain had had its greenest summer ever with almost 52 per cent of electricity generated by either nuclear or renewable forms of power.

Ron said the increase was not all mankind’s fault as it was partly due to the El Niño weather phenomenon, which happens every two years and causes droughts which leads to less carbon being taken out of the atmosphere by plants and trees.

Although next year’s figures will be better he warned that the carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere for centuries and it will make it harder for countries to limit warming of the earth to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels which the UK agreed to at last year’s Paris agreement on climate change.

But he added: “With homes producing more than a quarter of the UK’s carbon emissions, it is more important than ever for householders to reduce their carbon footprint.”

Ron,, said residents could take simple steps and even small changes could make a big difference. These include:

  • Switch from fossil fuels to green renewable energy and use solar panels and a thermodynamic solar heating system.
  • Insulate and draught-proof your home: Around seven million properties in the UK with solid walls have little or no insulation. Spray foaming the loft, inside walls and the outside walls can also cut bills by up to 45 per cent and reduce the energy needed for heating.
  • Lighting: Turn off lights when not in use and replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent or LED ones.
  • Buy energy efficient appliances when replacing a washing machine, dishwasher or fridge freezer.
  • Don’t set the thermostat too high and turn off the heating or air conditioning when not at home.
  • Reduce use of coal fires or wood stoves.
  • At night close doors, blinds and curtains. But during the day keep internal doors and curtains open to allow warm air from free solar heat to circulate around the home.
  • Don’t have a window open when the heating is on.
  • Use the immersion heater sparingly.
  • Don’t leave computers and TVs on standby when not being used.
  • Don’t spin dry clothes but hang them out to dry.
  • Recycle as much as possible and compost food waste

Any residents wanting more advice should call Ron on 01782 756995 or fill out our free home survey request form.

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