Being shower savvy can stop your money getting washed away
DID YOU know that showering accounts for up to 90 per cent of domestic hot water consumption?
When you stop and think about it, most of that energy simply gets washed away.
Ask most people what the worst offender is when it comes to throwing away heat, energy and water, and they’ll probably assume that it’s a bath.
A shower, however, can use more than 45 litres of water every single minute.
Now climate change raises the very real possibility of water shortages, we should be much more aware of our water usage around the home.
Government targets
The average person in the UK uses around 150 litres of water every day and by 2030, the Government wants to cut that amount by 20 per cent.
So just exactly how do we reduce water waste?
Well, one easy change to make is making sure you always fully load up the dishwasher and washing machine to prevent unnecessary ‘in between’ washes.
Another suggestion is to always check for leaking taps. An unfixed dripping tap can lose up to 15 litres of water a day.
It goes to show that good household maintenance not only helps you to be that little bit greener but also saves money too.
And what about those wasteful running showers?
Reducing the amount of time spent in the shower is one solution. Indeed, the Energy Saving Trust estimates that £10 could be saved from energy bills each year by cutting showering by just one minute.
A water efficient head for showers that draw water directly from the boiler is another way to save pennies.
Meanwhile, heat exchange shower systems recycle the heat from waste water that would otherwise escape down the drain.
These are becoming an increasingly popular option and it’s not difficult to see why.
A heat exchange shower system captures around 60 per cent of heat that would otherwise be lost and uses it to continue to warm the water that is running through the shower head.
Not only is it energy efficient but it is extremely cost-effective as it pays for itself very quickly.
For more information about heat exchange showers, call us now on 01782 756995 or click here to request a call back.